Financial planning services
Wherever you are on your journey, the financial planning team can help you take the next step.
The financial planning team we work with are a group of experienced, trusted advisers committed to helping clients grow, protect and release their wealth. Whether you’re leading a business or managing your personal finances, the financial planning team bring their expertise to bear on understanding your situation and helping you achieve your ambitions.
The financial planning’s team adopt a four-part approach:
– Personal: There is no matrix approach or tick box exercise. The team take time to understand you and your circumstances and design the most appropriate planning options to help you, and your business, achieve your objectives
– Straightforward: It’s not about selling products and services to you, but building a clearly explained and effective scope of work based around your needs
– Flexible: Plans are all well and good, but life can change and your priorities can shift. The team is there to support you, as and when you need us
– Far-sighted: The financial planning team think and work long term to mitigate your risk, protect your wealth and help you plan for a fast-changing future.
Working with individuals
Your personal ambitions deserve as much attention as your business.
Whether you want to invest assets, make pension contributions or achieve other financial objectives for you and your family, the team can provide you with clear, personal advice that puts you firmly in control.
Our financial planning services include:
– Wealth management
– Investments
– Pensions
– Personal protection
– IHT mitigation
– Retirement planning
Services for businesses: In an unpredictable world, every business needs to have a smart, flexible financial plan. No matter your size or structure, good financial planning makes the difference between thriving and struggling. With markets and society changing faster than ever, mitigating risk and protecting assets and employees has never been so important. The financial planning team can support you throughout the life cycle of your business, offering financial planning around every key stage.
– Starting a business: income protection and life insurance
– Employing staff: pensions, incentivisation and employee benefits
– Growing your business: profit extraction, directors’ pensions and investments
– Protecting your business: income protection, shareholder protection, keyman insurance and life insurance
– Selling your business: investment management
– Retirement: investment management, pensions and inheritance tax planning